Memoirs of
Harry Thorpe
1912 - 1991
Far Eastern Prisoner of War
Having pestered Dad for many years to put down on paper his experiences of his war years, he at last succumbed. I might add he was always reluctant, as he said he wanted to forget.
Dad also had an active and happy youth, which we found quite fascinating and even up to his death, he was a fitness fanatic.
On the day he died, which incidentally was ‘Friday the Thirteenth’ (a most significant date in his life as you will see later in the book), he’d been out shopping with mum and in the evening, Richard called for him to go to the local pub for a game of pool, which he loved to play. Unfortunately, at the end of the evening he suddenly fell ill with a terrible pain in his stomach. Richard managed to get him home but dad felt worse so Richard called an ambulance. Dad passed away on the operating table with a ruptured abdominal aneurysm. A quick way to go, but a helluva shock to mum and the family.
The book is in dad’s own words. He had a wonderful memory and the detail he recalled never failed to amaze us, I hope you enjoy the content.
Early Years
Phony War
The Journey - Real War
Singapore - Real War
Prisoners of War
Up Country
Infamous Railway
Back to Singapore
Coming Home
Fighting the Peace
You can e-mail us direct with questions or issues.
His Loving sons Alan and Richard.

The FEPOW Prayer
And we that are left grow old with the years
Remembering the heartache, the pain and the tears
Hoping and praying that never again
Man will sink to such sorrow and shame
The price that was paid we will always remember
Every day, every month, not just in November.
We Shall Remember Them