Sketch by Jack Chalker

Changi Slab

This story is not Public Domain. Permission must be obtained before any part of this story is copied or used.


(To be recited in the style of Stanley Holloway)

    The troops who lived in Changi were all browned off with rice,

    So cooks put their heads together, to think up something nice.

    They mixed in flour and water, of cement they put a dab,

    They shoved it in the oven and called it Changi Slab.


    Their invention was successful, so they laid a supply in store,

    And no matter how the cooks baked it, the prisoners yelled for more.

    The bakers went on nightshift and began to mass-produce,

    But as quickly as the slabs were made, they vanished like the deuce.


    The cooks were baffled to start with, as the system allowed no 'tick',

    They all began to wonder, how the heck they went so quick.

    So they called a Mess Committee and plainly put their case,

    And it soon became apparent, there was a mystery to trace


    The Committee soon got cracking and quickly found a clue

    When one went to the cobbler's to fetch his mended shoe.

    The job was done quite neatly, the workmanship not drab,

    But guess what the sole was made of, a slice of Changi Slab.


    They knew the slabs were being used, in many curious ways

    Though some they had never thought of as they filled their baking trays,

    Those who ground the rice worked hard, had sweated brows to dab

    And found more flour could be produced, if they used a Changi Slab.


    The builders use them instead of bricks and find them to be good,

    They served as weights on ration days, for weighing out the food,

    And parties out for coconuts whose health was not that sound

    Found that Changi Slabs made it easier, to knock them to the ground.


    You hear of secret weapons and we'd have you to believe

    We too have our secret weapon, hidden up our sleeve.

    And should we ever fight again, to have another stab,

    They’ll find us this time quite prepared, armed with our Changi Slab.

Jack Clement (5th Field Regt: RA)

Double Scroll Sharp 


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