Sketch by Jack Chalker


This story is not Public Domain. Permission must be obtained before any part of this story is copied or used.


When the day at last arrived

And we were safe and free

A Union Jack was hurriedly made

And hung from the branch of a tree.


We thanked the God who helped us

To survive the years of pain

And hoped that nothing like it

Would ever happen again.


And of the lads we leave behind

Lets not forget them as they sleep

And take them home to stay with us

In memories, ours to keep.


And may we also remember

Those in sorrow with shattered lives

And ask, Dear Lord, please be gentle

With parents, children and wives.

Anonymous August 1945

Double Scroll Sharp 


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[FEPOW Family] [Brothers in Arms] [Reflections] [1991 Recording] [Fepow Verse] [Tribute] [Dire Straits]


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© Copyright FEPOW Family