Kanyu Camp - Working Men -2b

Sketch by Jack Chalker

FEPOW Family
Far Eastern Heroes
The Volunteer
Fireman 93
Enlisting and Training
Sailing to War
Japanese Attack
Under Siege
Into the Bag
Railway of Death
Back to Singapore
French Indo China
Blackpool at Last
The Volunteer

This story is not Public Domain. Permission must be obtained before any part of this story is copied or used.

This is Alf’s Story

‘The Volunteer’



Sergeant Alf Waterhouse

Compiled and written by Ronnie and Gillian Taylor

Historical Documents help us understand what our loved ones faced in their life time. Alf was born in Blackpool, 11th November 1907, the son of Fred and Sarah Waterhouse. Alf writes with a wicked sense of humour, this helped him face three and a half years of captivity as a Far East Prisoner of War (FEPOW). Before this in 1937, when war seemed imminent, newspapers and radio were calling for people to take up Air Raid Precautions, Alf took on this responsibility as Fireman 93. This is the beginning of Alf’s story.


Fireman 93 Fireman 93

Enlisting & Training Enlisting and Training

Sailing to War Sailing to War (September 22nd 1941)

Japanese Attack Japanese Attack (December 8th 1941)

Singapore under Siege Singapore Under Siege (January 1942 - February 1942)

Into the Bag Into the Bag (February 1942)

Railway of Death Railway of Death (June 1942- June 1944)

Back to Singapore Back to Singapore (July 1944 - 2nd February 1945)

French Indo China French Indo China (February 2nd 1945-August 18th 1945)

Liberation Liberation (August 18th - October 22nd 1945)

Blackpool at Last Blackpool at Last


My sincere thanks to Jon Wright for supplying the 150 page document and to my wife Gillian for typing it out for me to edit, compile and write the pages for the Far Eastern Heroes website..



Jon Wright - Supplying the documents

Gillian - Copying the documents into word

Ronnie for compiling and editing Alf’s documents.

Malaya and Singapore Invasion

Andrew Snow - Thailand Burma Railway Centre

Thailand Burma Railway

KEW Files:- WO 361/2022, WO 392/26, WO 345/54, WO 361/2005, WO 361/2065, WO 361/2188, WO 361/2068,

Fepow Family pin-tn

FEPOW Family


Honorary Life Membership

Honorary Life Member-1tn






Design by Ron Taylor

Copyright © East Anglia Network 1997