Sketch by Jack Chalker

Colonel Dillon Report

This story is not Public Domain. Permission must be obtained before any part of this story is copied or used.

Supplied by Valerie Hewitt

‘F’ Force Report

My thanks to my cousin Valerie by loaning me the report which was in her father (John Robert Taylor) possessions and giving me permission to add it to Far Eastern Heroes


Report of Conditions of PoW’s in Thailand

May to December 1943

By Col. Dillon

A Representative of the I.J.A. Military Police has requested a frank report on the recent conditions of  Ps. O.W. in Thailand, with suggestions for the improvement of conditions for Ps. O.W. generally.

Accordingly, this report is made in two parts:-

  1. Facts
  2. Suggestions

Part 1 is neither a complaint nor a protest, but a statement of facts, all of which can be substantiated by Officers who were present.

The suggestions in Part 2 are made in the hope that the conditions of Ps. O.W. will improve in the future, since it is our firm belief that the recent experiences have not been in accordance with the policy or intentions of the Imperial Japanese Government in Tokyo, or of the Japanese Red Cross, who cannot ne aware of the actual state of affairs in Thailand.

          Part 1 Part 1- Facts

          Part 2 Part 2 - Suggestions


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