Sketch by Jack Chalker

Funk Holes of Singapore

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Tigers in the Park

Funk Holes of Singapore


Jon Cooper


After asking Jon about the Tunnels dug in Singapore in 1945 by the FEPOWs, Jon sent me this excellent article.

Since the release of the book ‘Tigers in the Park’ in 2015, there has been ongoing debates into various aspects of the research. One area that has promoted much interest is the digging of tunnels in and around the area of the Sime Road Camp and the reintroduction of POWs to the Adam Road work camp in the latter months of the war. One can only surmise this is primarily down to a fascination with exploring the hidden or ‘lost’ structures associated with the internment of the Far East Prisoners of War (FEPOWs) in Singapore. Much of this text has been taken from Chapter 34 of Tigers in the Park, 2015.

(Please be aware all images are copyright)

      Japanese Defence Plan Japanese Defence Plan

      X Work Parties X Work Parties

      Adam Park Area Adam Park Area

      Charles Thrale Charles Thrale

      Funk Hole Construction Funk Hole Construction

      Australian Camp Roll Australian Camp Roll


Funk Hole:- (plural funk holes) (military slang) A concealed place where one can hide in safety, especially during a war; a dugout. -


Sharing information with others is rewarding in itself, the pieces from the jigsaw begin to fit together and a picture begins to appear. Improve your knowledge and help make the Fepow Story an everlasting memorial to their memory.

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[Funk Holes of Singapore] [Japanes Defence Plan] [X Work Parties] [Adams Park Area] [Charles Thrale] [Funk Hole Construction] [Australian Camp Roll]


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