Sketch by Jack Chalker

Malayan Campaign

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Commissioned as an Intelligence Officer

1st February 1942

As described by Richardson in his diary:

Had an interesting day. To Military Head Quarters, Sime Road. Pollock and I up for commission as Lieutenants, Intelligence Corps. To Fort Canning to see Major Anderson (D.A.C.) who gave us letter to F.M.S.V.F. regarding discharge, effective immediately and we are now almost in Intelligence Corps. Met Horseley who predicted Fall of Singapore in two weeks. Subsequent events proved him right.

2nd February 1942

Both Walter Pollock and James Richardson were formally commissioned, after formalities of medical examination, as Intelligence Officers at Malaya Command Headquarters.

Their role was to undertake liaison duties with the regular forces owing to their local knowledge of Malaya and their proficiency with the Malay language.

Pass and Identity Book

2nd/Lt Walter Pollock’s Pass Book to Malaya Command Headquarters

Pass and Identity Book-02

2nd/Lt Walter Pollock’s Pass Book to Malaya Command Headquarters







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[Walter Pollock] [Malayan Volunteer Forces] [Malayan Campaign] [Mentioned In Despatches] [Postscript - The 1st Independent Infantry Company] [Appendix 1] [Appendix 2]


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