Sketch by Jack Chalker

Diary kept by Walter Pollock

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 Walter Pollock


Malayan Campaign

6th December 1941- 15th February 1942

Compiled by John Pollock


Walter Pollock was born on 25th December 1910 in Kilmarnock.

When he was 26, Walter first went out to Malaya (now known as Malaysia) on the 26th of June 1937, departing from Liverpool on the Blue Funnel Line Ship the Polyphemus, with his intended destination the Straits Settlement, Malaya and his occupation being a Planter.


The PolyPhemus1

Built 1930 and torpedoed and sunk off Bermuda in 1942


Malayan Volunteer Forces Malayan Volunteer Forces

Malayan Campaign Malayan Campaign - December 1941 to 15th February 1942

Mentioned In Despatches Mentioned In Despatches

Postscript - The 1st Independent Infantry Company Postscript - The 1st Independent Infantry Company

Appendix 1 Appendix 1 – Diary kept by Walter Pollock

Appendix 2 Appendix 2 – Mentioned in Despatches

Roll of Honour Roll of Honour



1 More details about the Polyphemus can be found here:-


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[Walter Pollock] [Malayan Volunteer Forces] [Malayan Campaign] [Mentioned In Despatches] [Postscript - The 1st Independent Infantry Company] [Appendix 1] [Appendix 2]


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