Sketch by Jack Chalker

William Chapmans Notebook

This story is not Public Domain. Permission must be obtained before any part of this story is copied or used.



There's and article of diet

That's enough to cause a riot

You will agree if you try it

It's the Rice


It's a regular daily winner

Breakfast, supper, tea or dinner

It will make a saint a sinner

All this Rice


You can boil it and bake it

Grind it, mould it and bake it

No matter how you fake it

Still it's Rice


You can fry it up with gammon

You can mix it up with a tin of salmon

Even plenty of strawberry jam

Won't even change Changi Rice


When you wake up in the morning

You won't do the usual yawning

You will just run without a warning

Oh! this Rice


Even if you are diabetic

It will make you quite athletic

It's a perfect diuretic

Is the Rice


Ladies when this war is over

Bells will ring from York to Dover

If you want to be in clover

Don't cook Rice


When your man comes from the Army

Your day will be quite charming

Three words will send him barmy

Have some Rice


11.11.43,  Changi, Singapore







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