Date: 3 Dec, 44
Sig: J L B F
Folio 6
Organisation of Para Bn (Aust) :
Total Bn - 25 Offrs 612 O.R. Total = 637.
Attached Tps.
One Tp of a para squadron (RAE) is raised for attachment, if required, to an airborne task force.
Strength - 5 Offrs 35 O.R. (plus 5 att. from Sqn HQ).
Factors affecting movement by air.
(a) Availability of aircraft.
(b) Weather
(c) Terrain
(d) Condition of landing grounds
(e) Capacity of landing grounds
(f) Protection during flight
Transport available.
One type only available in Australia - C 47 - capacity 20-23 radius 500 miles.
Transport required.
C 47 with capacity 20 = 32 aircraft for para bn (Aust)
2 aircraft for para sqn (if required) Total 34.
Carrying capacity.
The pay load of transport aircraft is governed by:-
(i) Distance to be flown - has a direct bearing on pay load, as the petrol carried varies with the distance.
(ii) Normal equipment carried by aircraft.
(iii) Surface conditions at airfields and length of strips.
(iv) Size and location of aircraft doors, hatches and bomb bays.
Pay loads of C 47 are - up to:
500 miles
5000 Ibs.
1000 miles
4280 lbs
1400 miles
2930 lbs
1800 miles
1530 lbs
As general guide, 32 para. aircraft are the most that can be despatched from one airfield as part of one wave.
Further waves can be flown off later, but time is required to assemble aircraft on runways.
DZs (to be selected jointly by Army & Air)
The following DZs are necessary in operations with aircraft flying at 300 ft:-
Day or night:
One Sec. (one aircraft) 750 by 250 yds.
Complete Coy. in 12 min. with 1 min. interval between aircraft.


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