Day only
One Pl. (three aircraft in V formation 750 x 550 yds).
Complete Coy. in 5 min.wìth 1 min. interval between aircraft.
By day, para sec takes 3 to 5 min to collect its arms and move off. Complete bn can be dropped in about 8 mins. By night, if only one DZ, this may take l.5 hrs. Ops by both day and night a bn requires at least two DZ (each approx. 1000 yds x 800 yds).
Dropping of para tps.
Para tps will normally be dropped at heights from 300 to 500 ft. Aircraft where possible will fly upwind and need a straight run up of .5 mile. Aircraft carrying para tps have to fly at approx. the same height over DZ. If flying in V formation, the centre aircraft flies at lower height - approx. 100 ft. (The most suitable wind for dropping is one below 20 MPH heading into the target area). To avoid congestion:
(i) A DZ must be used by waves of tps, with intervals between units and sub units (facilitates control); or
(ii)Several DZs must be used at same time (facilitates speed of landing and helps surprise) .
Intelligence required:
- Dispositions, strength, armament and morale of air and land forces.
- Location of enemy mob res, especially armour.
- Details of objectives.
- Disposition of A/A Defences.
- Weaknesses in defence systems.
- Location and description of DZs.
- Possibility of capturing tpt intact.
- Possible use of enemy cable and WT comms.
- Attitude of local inhabitants.
- Local supplies available, with water.
- Met. forecast.
- Enemy defences inarea of DZs.
- Agents.
Air photos required.
(i) DZ - one set each pilot
(ii) Route between DZ and objective - one set per para offr : sec comd.
(iii) Objective - one set each para offr sec comd.
If time permits, enlarged air photo (6' x 6') should be provided on scale of one per pi for briefing.
Stick requires not less than 500 yds. for landing.
Time is required for collection of special weapons from containers and assembly of units and sub units.
Under favourable conditions (weather and ground) a Coy may take 15 to 30 min. from time of dropping until ready for action as a whole.
Para bn once landed is equal to approx. three Japanese rifle coys. large scale diversions are an essential part of airborne operations (dummy paratroops) .
Heavily defended AA positions cause heavy casualties,
Heavy air support required to be successful, unless surprise is complete, or night operation.


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