e. P/W CAMP:
Situated about 800 yds. N.E. of the 8th mile peg on the KABON CHINA ROAD and about 300 yds. SOUTH of the S.W. corner of the airfield. In Feb. 44 there were 2,800 A.I.F. P/W in the camp. It is stated that it is easy to enter or leave the camp, that dysentery was very bad and that there was a shortage of medicines. The Japanese P/W guards number 40 and are housed near by in the guard house and barracks SOUTH and EAST of the camp respectively.
There is a Power Station about 400 yds. S.W. of the Camp on the road and a Police Station at the 8th mile peg on the KABON CHUTA ROAD.
Situated about 1,600 yds. NORTH of the 7th mile Peg on the KABON CHINA ROAD. From the 7th mile Peg a road runs NORTH to the airfield. The surface of the airfield is gravelled. In Feb. 44 the dimensions of the airfield were 2 miles by 800 yds. It was proposed to extend it 1200 métrés to the S.E. with the runway in a NORTH - SOUTH position, to be completed by October of this year.
The types and number of planes are unknown.
The entrance to the SIBUGA RIVER lies about 3,600 yds. NORTH of the airfield.
This river can be approached from SHALLOW BAY and small craft carrying up to 30 men can navigate it at any state of the tide.
Approximately 2,500 yds. from the mouth of the river on the SOUTH bank there is a wharf and a road leading to the airfield.
(1) Area N.W. of SIBUGA RIVER.
(2) Area immediately WEST of airfield. (3) Area of golf course and NORTH of W/T Receiving Station.
150 "B" - class Japanese troops
40 Japanese P/W guards
11 Japanese M.P's.
150 Native Police
100 Japanese Civilian Home Guards
The exact dispositions of the above, except for a few minor outposts, are not known, and there is no information concerning the defence scheme for the area.
Arms consist of Japanese rifles, 6 machine guns and an unknown number of sub-machine guns. There is no information concerning artillery or A.F.V.'s.


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