Dimonsions : Overall length - about 26.5 mls. width at HW varying from 15 or 20 yds probably 40 yds,
Approaches : Clear except for shallow bank up to 5 miles wide (to 3 fathom line) from. WEST end to MAMLANG (MUMLANG) Estuary.
Tides : Springs, rise of 8 f t, neaps, rise of 5.75 ft.
Exits and nature of Hinterland : The hinterland is very low country covered by dense jungle and forest. No exit is known. It may be possible to move up some of the streams.
Mangrove and nipah palms form extensive forest in the swamp areas along the coast. Nibong palm, the stem of which is used for the posts of native houses and for bridges, is found above the nipah where the water is almost fresh. Banboo probably grows further inland.
Rain forest covers the greater part of the interior, but extensive forest reserves containing espially tress of the cedar type, and rubber estates (which have displaced the original tobacco plantations) are found round SANDAKAN Harbour and along the course of the KINABATANGAN .
Grass for paper-making is said to have been grown by the Japanese on an estate at BILIT on the KINABATANGAN.
Vegetation is less dense in the peninsula NORTH of SANDAKAN, which contains, in addition to rubber estates, fairly estensive areas of grassland and scrub.
Cross-Country Movenent
The rivers provide the Chief means of communication in this region, and away from, them movement would usually be difficult. The mangrove swamps round the coasts are a serious obstacle but not impassable, while in the case of the rain forest density of growth overhead is often accompanied by sparsity of undergrowth. Experienced guidance is, however, considered to be necessary,
There is less obstacle to movement in the peninsula NORTH of SANDAKAN Town, where there is a certain extent of fairly open country containing only scrub, There are low hills immediately NORTH of the town, but they would not present great. difficulty.
Ample cover should be available everywhere in the area.
The hills rising to heights of 200 to 300 feet above SANDAKAN town would provide suitable points for observation over the town and the entrance to the Harbour, and also over the lower land to the NORTH and EAST.
Elsewhere visibility would be seriously restricted by vegetation.
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