Fiddy is on this film and Dad being in "A" Coy was standing out of picture being a pratt pulling faces.
In January the following year, only three days after his birthday, he was posted to the 34th..
He rejoined the 2nd Battalion on the 16th April at a reinforcement camp where he was appointed Acting Lance Sergeant, latter on September 26th he was made up to Lance Sergeant 26th.
His rank reverted back to War Substantive Corporal on 26th October 1945 and was posted to 2nd Holding Battalion 16th November 1945.
For some the turmoil of Kohima could not be overcome. While the Battalion was waiting, the effects of the war took its final toll on a solider, he walked away from camp and shot himself dead. Who knows what torture was being played on his mind, this man had battled through everything that had been thrown at him, only to have memories, "Win The Last One".
On the 18th February 1946 Posted to Headquarters 23rd Infantry Brigade.
The unrest against the British being in India was still evident after the Japs had been beaten, Fred was caught up in anti- British demonstrations and received concussion and a broken wrist, not a farewell tribute expected.

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