Sketch by Jack Chalker

Wins Poems

This story is not Public Domain. Permission must be obtained before any part of this story is copied or used.

Bluebell Time

Win Rainer



Now the bluebells are in bloom today

One travels back down life's road where the past lay

Childish laughter ringing down the years

Absolute perfection so much joy appears,

Can one ever forget the times of being?

A future unknown and unforeseen

Through years of growing a new way of giving

Beckons us on to a new way of living,

Forget not those years, of our parents sacrifice

Their ability to impart their knowledge and advice,

We will never understand the hardships but a determination to succeed

That their young should have a better life to lead,

What can one say but honour our parents concern

From them we had love that enabled us to learn.



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