Entwined in Years by War
Reg Rainer
Poems by Win Rainer
Compiled by Ron Taylor
Our years entwined in years of war
Never to realise, what was in store
Years of torment, not knowing, cast
A shadow of dreadful times past,
To be able to understand was our aim
To protect and support their pain,
Memories of those years will never fade
But our determination with love we made
With gentle thought, of those who returned
Each day, something new to be learned,
Of all our years, undaunted, we were there
We survived with them through love and care.
Leaving Home
A Soldier Battles On - Singapore
When Hope is Gone - Changi
History of Changi
Act of Courage - Death Railway
Deep Despair - Kanasai Camp - Japan
Free at Last - Journey Home
Courage to Endure - Post War
Gone are the days of battle and guns now silently lay
Your thoughts go back to yesterday
So hold your heads up high my lads
For everyone to see
How you sacrificed your young years
To keep this country free.
Thro’ misty eyes you see those years
And no one will ever understand
Your mates who didn’t return with you
Lay in a distant, far away land
They live forever in your hearts
Not just, for a single day.
Britain ‘O’ Britain
What more can I say ?

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