VETERAN: Reg Rainer is still waiting for his medal. Picture: JERRY TURNER
AN IPSWICH pensioner held as a Pow by the Japanese 50 years ago is still waiting to collect a medal he claims he is entitled to.
Reg Rainer, 72, regained his freedom in October 1945 after three grim years in captivity.
He says he is entitled to receive the 1939-45 Defence Medal, which would join the 1939-45 Pacific Star and Long Service Medal he already holds.
Mr Rainer said: "All my old comrades have got the Defence Medal and I wrote off and left things at that.
"I then wrote again and was told there was a short supply. I have still heard nothing," he said.
Mr Rainer, of Ramsgate Drive, Ipswich, served in the infantry and was taken prisoner in Singapore in 1942.
A spokesman for the Army Medal Office declined to comment on Mr Rainer's request