Fepow Prayer
And we that are left grow old with the years
Remembering the heartache, the pain and the tears
Hoping and praying that never again
Man will sink to such sorrow and shame
The price that was paid we will always remember
Every day, every month, not just in November.
We Shall Remember Them
The above lines were composed by No.4857249 Corporal Arthur E. Ogden lst Battalion The Royal Leicestershire Regiment and The British Battalion 1941-45 when he was in Queen Mary`s Hospital, Roehampton in December 1974. The drawing was designed by Victor R.J. Merritt, Hongkong Dockyard Defence Corps who was in the hospital at the same time. The lines were dedicated to Sister O`Hara of the FEPOW Unit in the Queen Mary`s Hospital, Roehampton.