To the many who have researched the men and women who fought in the Far East, they hold our utmost respect.
They fought an enemy who were not only trained for jungle warfare but who were also better equipped.
Their battle carried on into captivity, a battle to survive, many did not make it, the odds were stacked too high against them.
After three and a half years in Japanese hands, the ones left, still fought on, the battle would last their lifetime and hopefully end, the day they meet their maker.
These pages are dedicated to these men and women, all are heroes, Far Eastern Heroes.
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By Michael Nellis
Bill (Corporal William Rafter) was captured in Java and transported to a camp at Nagasaki where he was when the ‘A’ bomb destroyed the city.
A 1995 transcript of a recording made by Lieutenant Colonel R G Wells, on the construction of radio equipment in a Japanese Prisoner of War camp.

By Bryan Paul Lai
Peter Raymond Lai Kui Fook was awarded the King’s Medal of Courage in the Cause of Freedom by helping relieve the prisoners torment at Sandakan.

Their Journey from Singapore February 1942: his journey to captivity in Japan and hers to Glasgow

The life of an agricultural labourer was not one that held any long-term appeal for him. Consequently, after some seven years, Dick left the land and enlisted in The Loyals on 24th July of 1937. He found himself in Singapore when the Japanese invaded. The story covers Singapore and Korean pow camps

Photo Album of the Thailand-Burma Railway
Doctors in a Photo Album from Thailand-Burma Railway

Douglas was on the Empress of India when she was attacked by the Japanese, he went over the side and was found himself in Singapore. Escaped Singapore in a Chinese junk, making it to Colombo.

By E.F. Mclellan
Royal Army Medical Corps based in India

Synopsis by Tim Fogarty
As a German and Japanese civilian prisoner of war, captured by a German raider while being transported on the SS Nankin.

This is the tale of Bob Peacock, an Australian who was brought up during the depression and had to leave home at an early age to rough it in a man‘s world. After capture at Singapore he found himself off to Thailand with ‘F’ Force.
By Col. Dillon
Supplied to me by Valerie Taylor
Report of Conditions of PoW’s in Thailand made May to December 1943

In World War two Frederick Ernest Wiles, was serving in the Beds & Herts regiment when he was captured at the fall of Singapore in 1942. A prisoner of the Japanese, he worked on the Thailand-Burma railway where the chances of survival were very poor. Then transported on the Rakuyo Maru , destination Japan.

By Edwin Arthur Young
This little story arrived at my office about five years ago, whoever sent it did not put his name or address to it. there was a note asking me to publish it in the NESA news, but it was too large for the paper. Maybe the man is still alive and wondering what happened to his manuscript. Maybe one of the members might recognise it. The story covers Tandjong Priok, Java and Honshu, Japan.

Compiled by Mike Nellis
A remarkable story, taken from records and cuttings kept by Alfred Edward ‘Pop’ Nellis. It follows his capture and transportation by cattle truck to work on the Thailand-Burma Death Railway. With maps and illustrations, it is a must read..

By Emma Cowing for the Daily Mail
Hidden in her son's teddy, a mother's diary of courage: A heart-tugging story of love and defiance in a brutal Japanese PoW camp - rediscovered 70 years on. Manila

By Richard Taylor
We had left England some weeks earlier in October 1941, in the 18th Division bound for Basra in the Persian Gulf, via Canada, where we transhipped into American troopers, and then the West Indies and South Africa in Convoy William Sail 12X.
Now this sudden switch sent us bowling across the Indian Ocean to re-enforce the garrison in Malaya, newly attacked by the Japanese.

By Michael Nellis
Dennis was a gunner with the 5th Field Artillery, fighting down Malaya, was captured at Singapore. As a prisoner he was transported to Taiwan to work in the infamous Kinkaseki copper mines

By Sgt. Harry Walton
Harry’s War is the story of Harry’s time in service during World War II from October 1939 to November 1945, from the quiet Pill Boxes on the North Norfolk Coast to the Hellfire Pass in the depths of the Burmese jungle. The story is written in Harry’s own words with the factual text added from various other sources.

By Linda Barker
In 1940 at the age of 19, Harry from Cambridgeshire enlisted into the Royal Air Force his role was in Observations, he was then posted to Singapore. Transported to Java, captured and transported via Changi, Singapore to Japan in Java Party 17A.

By Jack Symon
This is a remarkable story. Many of us who are old enough to remember the 1940´s, and who spent the last war in this country, in Europe or in North Africa, may think that all those years ago we had a rough time, but our discomforts were absolutely nothing compared with the almost unbelievable conditions in which those who were unlucky enough to be captured in the Far East lived, and many died. Sory covers Changi, the Thailand-Burma railway and Japan.

By A.G. James
George was born in Knightsbridge in 1915, nearly thirty year on he was on his way to Japan, as a prisoner of war on the Singapore Maru.

By Elizabeth van Kampen
This is a heart rending story of a young family caught up in the war in Java.

By War Crimes Report
The foregoing preliminary report on the treatment of civilian internees in Singapore by the Nipponese Authorities. It includes reference to the ‘Double Tenth’ incident.

By Alan Elliott
The workforce on the Thailand-Burma railway consisted of about 51,000 who were either British, Dutch or American, with 9,500 Australians, and perhaps about 270,000 Asians.

By Michael Nellis
Corporal Joseph (Jack) Hart worked on the Thailand-Burma Railway.
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