To the many who have researched the men and women who fought in the Far East, they hold our utmost respect.
They fought an enemy who were not only trained for jungle warfare but who were also better equipped.
Their battle carried on into captivity, a battle to survive, many did not make it, the odds were stacked too high against them.
After three and a half years in Japanese hands, the ones left, still fought on, the battle would last their lifetime and hopefully end, the day they meet their maker.
These pages are dedicated to these men and women, all are heroes, Far Eastern Heroes.
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This is the story of James McHarg Miller from Glasgow of the 2nd Battalion Royal Scotts, army number 305 45 38, he was stationed in Hong Kong when the Japanese invaded. He suvived the Lisbon Maru sinking and was sent to Notogawa in Japan

By Rosemary Gransden
John’s story starts when posted to Singapore by the Borneo Company in 1932. As Malayan Royal Naval Vilunteer Reserve he was captured Banka Island and from Sumatra transported in ‘Japan Draft’ to Changi, then ‘Special Party’ to Taiwan.

John survived the sinking of the Prince of Wales, only to be captured off Banka Island, trying to flee the Japanese. He survived captivity in Palembang, Sumatra and later Changi, before returning to Tarbert, where he lived with his wife and two daughters.

John Leonard Wilson was moved to Singapore as Bishop. He was arrested on the 10th October 1943 as part of the ‘Double Tenth’ and taken to Changi Prison where he was tortured by the Kampetai.

Gunton Hall, Lowestoft
By Nigel Jarrett - Lowestoft Journal
Fifty years on and the survivors of Kinkaseki meet again at Gunton Hall, Lowestoft.

By Frederick William Jackson
Frederick William Jackson was part of the 600 Gunners Party. This is his last Letter Home to his wife. Frederick died at Rabaul.

Captain Barhan Savory
Captain Barham Savory was in the 5th Battalion of the Royal Norfolk Regiment. These letters follow his journey from England to Singapore then into Malaya and his escape back to Singapore. Then Evacuation to Sumatra and finally Colombo.

By Ted Marriott
Dennis Riley, a veteran POW of Batu Lintang. Dennis now 89 years old, related all his experiences to me from memory over a three month period. I believe this is the nearest I will ever get to finding out what happened to my dad. Although in the same outfit, they were not to meet 'till they were in Batu Lintang. Hopefully ,someone reading this may be able to fill in some missing details, or get in touch with me.

By Carole Burnett
Interned in Batu Lintang love is born out of the Japanese POW camp.

By Douglas E D Morris
I have decided I must answer the pressure from a number of relatives and good friends to put on paper a little of our life story. This I will try to do with all humility but it is the wonderful story of the life and accomplishments of Joan Richardson, the girl who in March 1940 came out to Malaya to marry me and was my beloved wife for 62 years and in spite of many hazards, wonderfully happy before being called to her eternal rest in October 2001 at the splendid age of 92. Thailand-Burma Railway.

By Reginald Charles Bulled
I am writing this booklet to try and put down clearly and firmly the atrocities and brutal treatment I and many thousands of others suffered at the hands of the Japanese.
The Japanese countered with an order that all men must proceed, on foot, carrying all they wanted to take with them, to a barracks a few miles down the road - Selarang Barracks. Finally we arrived at what was to be our new camp - Keppel Harbour. It was built in a triangle, bounded on one side by a high wall behind which we believed to be a dry dock and the harbour and ocean on the other two sides. Finally transported to Thailand-Burma Railway, we were put to work the next day building more huts of bamboo roofed with atap.

Compiled By Julia Cook
As we all know the fate of H.M.S. Glorious, it meant that he had survived one of his nine lives. Clifford was then drafted to H.M.S. Tamar, a shore base in Hong Kong. Captured Hong Kong, transported to Japan on the Lisbon Maru.

Supplied by Sean Mulroy
The Sherwood Foresters being part of the 18th Division, were shipped to Singapore too late to make any difference. Before capitulation certain numbers from each regiment were ordered to leave. The story contains one of these escapes which includes 8 Beds & Herts.

By Ray Watson
A professional footballer playing for Middlesbrough and Watford and also an army nurse – Sam survived the Japanese prison camps long enough to see the Setting of the Rising Sun. Changi and Selerang.

By John Parkinson
My father, Philip was transported with the Loyals to Singapore but escaped to Sumatra and then on to India, where he fought in Burma. I have included a good background of our family history.

by Shelley Vaisey
I have been researching my family history for many years, but only recently my grandads time during WW2. Escaping Singapore before it fell to the Japanese Ashford Stanley Vaisey was captured in Sumatra and spent his years as a FEPOW in Burma and Thailand.

By William Hanson (Supplied by his son John)
William was 20 years old on 5th September 1939. Two days after, the war started. I joined the army on October 21st 1939, Trafalgar Day. As a PoW William worked on the Thailand to Burma Railway.

Pete Collison
Dads story is being told out of respect for those who fought for their country, many did not return and the numbers of the returned are dwindling, old man time is taking his toll.
Everyone of them had his own beliefs, but united they fought for their families and country. These pages are written in the hope they will help us remember, honour and never to forget them. It is about the 2nd Battalion, Royal Norfolk Regiment in Kohima

Capt. Jim Blackburn, EAL, Ret.
It was in early winter of 1983 when I first met Norman Riddell. In our earlier flying days, we had both been bomber and transport pilots, and the great fraternity of aviation, with its many shared experiences, provided us with topics of discussion to last a lifetime. Let me tell you a bit about the life of this great man who flew against the Japanese in Singapore and Malaya.

Information by Penny Grant
Based on Basil Willington Aldwell’s experience in the hands of the Japanese at Ofuna Interrogation Centre.
I, along with two to three hundred other Royal Air Force personnel should never have become prisoners of war under the Japanese. We were not captured after an heroic battle, but handed over by the Dutch. There was no glory - not even a fight to preserve our freedom - we were delivered on a plate to them and the Japanese thought us feeble not to have fought to the last man. He was lucky to survive the Japanese Camps at Haruku and Ambon.

By Ron Taylor
The following chapters are taken from a diary and letters of a young man in his late teens and early twenties. When writing down his thoughts he didn't think them to be spectacular, but from the time he went to fight for his country his life changed and it will take longer then his lifetime for the memories to fade. POW on the Thailand-Burma railway.

By Reg Rainer
A visit back to the Death Railway in Thailand with Reg and some of his wife’s poems. The Far Eastern Heroes poem above specially written.

By Ron Taylor
Evacuated from Singapore as it fell, Reverend John Thirwell Wanless was taken prisoner at Tasik Malaje, Java on 8th March 1942. Transferred to Jesselton in North Borneo and then on to Sandakan, he died on 30th June 1945 of starvation, sickness and savage treatment in Jungle camp no 2, at Ranau, Sabah (then British North Borneo) East Malaysia.

By Ron Taylor
Leonard Birchall and his crew messaged back to the Royal Navy's Eastern Fleet base in Ceylon warning them of a Japanese attack. He was captured and sent to Ofuna, Japan.

By J.K. Gale
From the Diary Of J.K.Gale, S.S.V.F., who was at Wampo with Alfred Edward Nellis (Freeing the Demons), comes the following information about Radios
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