(c) Altitude - Approximately 8' - 10' above sea level.
(d) Landmarks
(i) A large mangrove swamp is to the seaward side of A/D.
(ii) SANDAKAN Town is five mls SE of runways.
(iii) KEBUN CHINA River is midway between the A/D and SANDAKAN Town.
(e) Flying Obstructions - Zero approaches from all directions with the exception of the SE, where hills, 300' high, rise from the rear of the town.
(f ) Runways
(i) No 1 runway 5400' x 260' WNW-ESE.
(ii) No 2 runway 4700* x 260' N-S.
(iii) No extension is possible to No 1 runway, as the terrain at the NNW end drops away, and any extension to the ESE end is curtailed by a creek.
(iv) No 2 runway is extended to its full capacity. Rising terrain at the SOUTHern end and a creek at the NORTHern end prohibit further expansion.
(v) Both runways are in the process of being surfaced with crushed coral, and when completed will be all weather strips.
(vi) Area surrounding runways is coconut plantations, rain forest, and swamp area.
(vii) A drainage ditch is observed along the NORTHern side of (No 1 runway, and small off shoots are noted. The unduleting terrain in the vicinity of the a/D forms a naturai drainage system.
(g) Dispersal and Facilities
(i) A taxiloop (N.o 1), 4000' long x 80' wide, complete with dispersai bays and revetments, is on the. SOUTHern side of No 1 runway. This taxiloop is almost completely surfaced and airplanes ere in occupation.
(ii) An extensive dispersai lane area is under construction on the NORTHern side of No 1 runway, only a small portion having been surfaced. Overall length measures amroximately 10,000' and the width, when ccmoleted, will be 110', giving the assumptlon that bombers will be concentrated in this area.
(iii) A further taxiloop, (No 2) branching off from the center of the SOUTH taxiloop of No 1 strip, connects to the SOUTHern end of No 2 strip. Loop is completed by a short taxilane connecting the NORTH end of No 2 strip to the No 1 taxiloop. Dispersal points and revetments are visible through the clouds and airplanes are in occupation.
(iv) Seventeen bomber an d nine fighter revetants are visible, and 6 unprotected dispersal bays are noted.
(v) Hardstanding area would probably accommodate 100 bombers and 100 fighters.


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