(vi) a servicing apron is at the junction of taxiloops (1)&(2).
(vil) A possible servicing apron is under construction at the .NORTHern end of No 2 rùnway, but clouds prevent an accurate interpretation.
(h) Airplane Activity
(i) Twenty-two airplanes aro visible on the A/D, comprising 16 B, and six F. Tho majority of thess airplanes appear serviceable.
(b) A compilation of airplane types apears below.
Four U/l 2 EB (1U/S)
Two U/l SSF.
(i) Hangars and Workshops
(i) No hangars can be detectad, but a probable workshop area at the SW end of No 2 runway consists of 25 buildings.
(ii) Six sma11 buildings at the junction of the two taxiloops are probably Workshops.
(j) Storage
(i) The only probable storage area is at the SW end of No_3 runway where the 25 buildings aro located, some of which are probably used for stores and equipment.
(ii) In all probability large stores are situated in SANDAKAN
Town, where shipping and transport facilities are adequate.
{iii) A possible fuel dump is 800' NORTH of the ESE end of No 1 runway.
(iv) A probable fuel dump is just SOUTH of the intersection of taxiloops 1 and 2.
(k) Buildings
(i) A Cluster of 25 buildings is at the S" end of No 2 runway.
(ii) Another six buildings are at the junction of taxiloop 1 end 2.
(iii) Small isolated houses scattered around the area are private plantation houses.
(iv) Buildings in the town area comprise shops, warehouses, Government offices, and private end public buildings.
(v) Two large sawmills are observed on the waterfront in close proximity to each other at the WESTern end of the town.
(vi) A concentration of buildings (30 only observed through clouds) is 3/4 ml SW of the WNW end of No 1 runway. Many of these structures are probably personnel barracks, and a probable PW camp is in the same vicinity.
(1) Radio, Radar, R.D.F. - None located.R


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