(m) Defences
Approaches from the town are protected by medium and light AA guns. Further AA positions are noted in the vicinity of the airfields.
(i) Med AA are directly behind the ship repair yards on the hill overlooking tho towwn»
(ii) Med AA are on the hill overlfooking the main business area .
(iii) 4 Lt AA are on the hill overlooking SANDAKAN Harbour at the EASTern end of the native quarters.
(iv) 4 Lt AA are at the WNW end of No 1 runway.
(v) Total AA : Med - 7; Lt - 8.
(i) The main method of transpertation is by water, and the shipping facilities at SANDAKAN town are extensive.
(ii) To the NORTH is the KEBUN CHINA River which can be entered at low tide by light boats carrying up te 30 passengers. Boats aan proceed upstream for about 8000 yds, and at high tide the KEBUN CHINA Road can be reached by this route.
(iii) There are two main roads leading out of the town. One leads NW for 22 mls, the other parallels the beach, turns WEST after three mls, then NW to join the first road at the fifth ml. Seven mls out on the NW road a NORTHern branch extends for one ml to the A/D.
(o) Shipping
(i) Adequate facilities are available for shipping in SANDAKAN Harbour.
(ii) Two wooden vesaels are under construction on the slips at the NORTHern end of the town.
(iii) A Fox Tare Dog is anchored 550' from the main wharf area.
(iv) At least 50 smallar craft are along the water-front of the town area. Barges being in the majority, while six of them are probably Sugar Charlies.


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