- Routes from D.Z.'s to objectives. *
- Numbers, positions and routine of P/W guards. *
Dispositions and numbers of Japanese troops in the whole area. *
- General Japanese defence plan and Flying Column (if any). *
The existence of A.F.v.'s and Artillery. *
Position, number and routine of guards in the houses of the Japanese O.C. troops and Civil Governor. *
- Location of transport with which to carry sick P/W to evacuation points. *
Position and calibres of coastdefence guns. *
Details of any Japanese naval defence craft. *
Existence of Japanese sea minefields. *
- Routes to evacuation points for p/w and attacking troops. *
a. In addition to the above, it is considered that general intelligence on local topography, collaborators, vital installations, fuel dumps, etc. will be of the greatest value for planning purposes.
v. To obtain the above information, it is considered that an S.R.D. Intelligence Party consisting of 2 officers, 2 W/T operatore ann 2 natives should be inBerteo into the area at leaet 6 weeks before "D" day in order to obtain and transmit the necessary information not later than, say, "D-10".
It is considered that the Party should contact a senior P/W officer from whom much of the above information could be extracted, and who could organise selected P/W within the camp to receive arms dropped from aircraft on "D" day.
Further roles for the Intelligence Party on "D" Day are as follows:-
- The placing of homing devices on the D.Z.'s to assist in the dropping of the Parachute Bn.
- To act as guides from the D.Z. to objectives.
- To mark out route to withdrawal point and assist with evacuation.
* - Ticked in pencil


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